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Glud & Marstrand i langt udbrud i Normandiet

Glud & Marstrand i langt udbrud i Normandiet

23. marts 2012 20:09Foto: Martin Ravn

På dagens etape af Normandiet Rundt satsede Glud & Marstrand-LRØ ved at have to ryttere med i et langt udbrud. Desværre gav det dog ikke gevinst.

Artiklen fortsætter efter videoen.

Det østjyske hold gav alt i forsøget på at få kørt André Steensen frem i klassementet på den 156 kilometer lange 6. etape fra Domfront til Villers-Bocage. Han kørte sammen med Michael Valgren og fire andre ryttere i udbrud efter 30 kilometer af etapen, og i over 100 kilometer sad de foran og gav alt, hvad de havde.


Desværre lykkedes missionen ikke for holdet. André Steensen blev hentet med 15 kilometer til mål, og i stedet kørte Jean-Marc Bideau og Johan Le Bon, begge fra Bretagne-Schuller, væk. Det franske hold tog en dobbeltsejr med førstnævnte som vinder.


”Vi prøvede igen i dag, og vi gjorde alt, hvad vi overhovedet kunne, og egentlig også det der skulle til for at vinde, men vi kunne så bare konstatere, at Europcar kørte stærkt. At gå i udbrud var den mulighed, vi havde – vi skulle jo hente over to minutter på de forreste i klassementet,” fortæller holdets sportslige ansvarlige Michael Skelde.


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Optakt: 7. etape af Criterium du Dauphiné


Han tilføjer: ”Vi skulle prøve at se, om ikke Europcar ville blive lidt usikre på, hvor stærke de var. Udbruddet kom også op og fik seks minutters forspring, men så kørte Europcar bare til, hvilket flere andre hold også gjorde, og så hentede de tid på udbruddet igen. Valgren kørte et super flot cykelløb i dag, og arbejdede virkelig hårdt. Han gjorde det, der skulle til, for at André kunne lykkes med sin mission i dag. Men i feltet blev der bare kørt cykelløb, som der ikke er blevet kørt de andre dage.”


I går sagde Michael Skelde, at de på dagens etape ville vurdere, om de skulle køre efter klassementet eller en etapesejr. De seks ryttere prøvede altså at gøre et forsøg på at vinde løbet sammenlagt, men nu må de satse anderledes på de sidste afsluttende to etaper i weekenden.


”I morgen må vi ud og køre efter en etapesejr. Sebastian Lander viste god styrke i dag, og jeg tror, at vi i morgen vil prøve at få sat ham i en position, hvor han kan køre med om etapesejren, hvis en gruppe kommer samlet hjem igen. Jeg tror ikke, at der er ret mange, der er hurtigere end ham, hvis bare vi kan få afleveret ham rigtigt,” vurderer Skelde.


André Steensen er efter dagens etape rykket frem som nummer 11 sammenlagt i Normandiet Rundt. Sebastian Lander blev bedst placerede rytter på etapen fra Glud & Marstrand-LRØ, da han kørte i mål som nummer 22.


Resultat af 6. etape
1 Jean-Marc Bideau - Bretagne - Schuller 3.39.27
2 Johan Le Bon - Bretagne - Schuller
3 Dylan Van Baarle - Rabobank Continental Team 0.26
4 Jasper Stuyven - Bontrager Livestrong Team
5 Robert Partridge - Endura Racing
6 Kanstantsin Klimiankou - Continental Team Astana
7 Mathieu Desniou - C.C. Nogent / Oise 0.33
8 Steele Van Hoff - Chipotle - First Solar Development Team 0.36
9 Simon Yates - Great Britain National Team 0.39
10 Ruslan Tleubayev - Continental Team Astana
11 Jérôme Cousin - Team Europcar
12 Cyril Patoux - V.C. Rouen 76
13 Thomas Scully - Chipotle - First Solar Development Team
14 Jonathan Mcevoy - Endura Racing
15 Wesley Kreder - Rabobank Continental Team
16 Gerry Druyts - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step
17 Benoît Sinner - C.S.A. des Loges
18 Nicolas Vereecken - Lotto - Belisol
19 Fabio Silvestre - Leopard - Trek Continental Team
20 Stig Broeckx - Lotto - Belisol
21 Freddy Bichot - Veranda Rideau - Super U
22 Sebastian Lander - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ
23 Christoph Pfingsten - Cyclingteam De Rijke
24 Gaël Malacarne - Bretagne - Schuller
25 Johan Mombaerts - Auber 93
26 Dion Beukeboom - Cyclingteam De Rijke
27 Eugénio Alafaci - Leopard - Trek Continental Team
28 Lasse Bøchman - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ
29 Erick Rowsell - Endura Racing
30 Huub Duyn - Cyclingteam De Rijke
31 Alexandr Pliuschin - Leopard - Trek Continental Team
32 Michael Olsson - Team Cykelcity.se
33 Reidar Borgensen - Joker Merida
34 Scott Thwaites - Endura Racing
35 Bart Van Haaren - Koga Cycling Team
36 Andréi Solomennikov - Itera - Katusha
37 Romain Combeau - C.S.A. des Loges
38 André Steensen - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ
39 Guillaume Malle - Veranda Rideau - Super U
40 Vladislav Gorbunov - Continental Team Astana
41 Nick Van Der Lijke - Rabobank Continental Team
42 Laurent Pichon - Bretagne - Schuller
43 Jesper Hansen - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ
44 Alexandr Prishpetnyy - Itera - Katusha
45 Bob Jungels - Leopard - Trek Continental Team
46 Michael Cuming - Rapha Condor - Sharp
47 Sébastien Harbonnier - C.S.A. des Loges
48 Lars Vierbergen - Koga Cycling Team
49 Christopher Jennings - Rapha Condor - Sharp
50 Eric Berthou - Bretagne - Schuller
51 Oscar Riesebeek - Rabobank Continental Team
52 Fabio Polazzi - Wallonie Bruxelles - Credit Agricole
53 Tom Devriendt - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step 1.24
54 Alexandr Shushemoin - Continental Team Astana 1.30
55 Dmittriy Kosyakov - Itera - Katusha 1.34
56 Jimmy Turgis - C.C. Nogent / Oise
57 Olivier Chevalier - Wallonie Bruxelles - Credit Agricole
58 Richard Handley - Rapha Condor - Sharp
59 Tom Dernies - Wallonie Bruxelles - Credit Agricole
60 Jenning Huizenga - Rabobank Continental Team 1.57
61 Igor Boev - Itera - Katusha 1.58
62 Gavin Mannion - Bontrager Livestrong Team
63 Alphonse Vermote - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step
64 Lawson Craddock - Bontrager Livestrong Team
65 Arnaud Molmy - Veranda Rideau - Super U
66 Alistair Slater - Great Britain National Team
67 Nazar Jumabekov - Continental Team Astana
68 Sjoerd Kouwenhoven - Cyclingteam De Rijke
69 Stijn Steels - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step
70 Jef Van Meirhaeghe - Lotto - Belisol
71 Emmanuel Van Ruitenbeek - Koga Cycling Team
72 Boris Dron - Wallonie Bruxelles - Credit Agricole
73 Alo Jakin - V.C. Rouen 76
74 Tony Hurel - Team Europcar
75 Franck Bouyer - Team Europcar
76 Kévin Reza - Team Europcar
77 Oliver Hofstetter - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 3.18
78 Jim Van Den Berg - Koga Cycling Team 5.41
79 Robin Chaigneau - Koga Cycling Team
80 Vegar Robinson Bugge - Joker Merida
81 Christer Rake - Joker Merida
82 Nikita Umerbekov - Continental Team Astana
83 Jasper Bovenhuis - Rabobank Continental Team
84 Michael Valgren Andersen - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ
85 Alexis Bodiot - C.S.A. des Loges
86 Jasper De Buyst - Bontrager Livestrong Team
87 Richard Lang - Rapha Condor - Sharp
88 Justin Van Hoecke - Wallonie Bruxelles - Credit Agricole 11.08
89 Angelo Tulik - Team Europcar
90 Flavien Dassonville - Auber 93
91 Flavien Maurelet - C.C. Nogent / Oise
92 Wouter Wippert - Lotto - Belisol
93 Bjorn Thurau - Team Europcar
94 Remco Te Brake - Cyclingteam De Rijke
95 Romain Delalot - C.C. Nogent / Oise
96 Romain Matheou - Veranda Rideau - Super U
97 Alexandre Blain - Endura Racing
98 Guillaume Blot - Bretagne - Schuller
99 Yoeri Havik - Cyclingteam De Rijke
100 Rob Bush - Chipotle - First Solar Development Team
101 Thomas Moses - Great Britain National Team
102 Andzs Flaksis - Chipotle - First Solar Development Team
103 Benoit Drujon - Auber 93
104 Philip Lindau - Team Cykelcity.se
105 Owain Doull - Great Britain National Team
106 Ryan Eastmann - Bontrager Livestrong Team
107 Vegard Breen - Joker Merida
108 Jonathan Thire - Auber 93
109 Ian Wilkinson - Endura Racing
110 Franck Vermeulen - Veranda Rideau - Super U
111 James Mc Callum - Rapha Condor - Sharp 14.01
112 Maxim Pokidov - Itera - Katusha
113 Jonas Ahlstrand - Team Cykelcity.se
114 Edvin Wilson - Team Cykelcity.se
115 Kasper Linde Jørgensen - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ
116 Henrik Åbom - Team Cykelcity.se
117 Johan Landström - Team Cykelcity.se
118 Daniel Mc Lay - Lotto - Belisol 14.11
119 Giorgio Brambilla - Leopard - Trek Continental Team
120 Viacheslav Kuznetsov - Itera - Katusha
121 Kjell Van Driessche - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step
122 Erwan Brenterch - V.C. Rouen 76
123 Louis Verhelst - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step
124 David Bouteville - V.C. Rouen 76 20.57


DNF Joshua Atkins - Bontrager Livestrong Team
DNF Daniel Summerhill - Chipotle - First Solar Development Team
DNS Alexandre Defretin - C.C. Nogent / Oise
DNS Lachlan-David Morton - Chipotle - First Solar Development Team

Samlet stilling
1 Jérôme Cousin - Team Europcar 16.18.47
2 Guillaume Malle - Veranda Rideau - Super U 0.08
3 Alexandr Pliuschin - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 0.21
4 Ruslan Tleubayev - Continental Team Astana 1.24
5 Gaël Malacarne - Bretagne - Schuller 1.31
6 Johan Le Bon - Bretagne - Schuller 1.43
7 Jean-Marc Bideau - Bretagne - Schuller 1.58
8 Dylan Van Baarle - Rabobank Continental Team 2.09
9 Robert Partridge - Endura Racing 2.20
10 Michael Olsson - Team Cykelcity.se 2.22
11 André Steensen - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ 2.23
12 Kanstantsin Klimiankou - Continental Team Astana 2.24
13 Erick Rowsell - Endura Racing 2.25
14 Thomas Scully - Chipotle - First Solar Development Team
15 Jasper Stuyven - Bontrager Livestrong Team 2.27
16 Lasse Bøchman - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ 2.29
17 Jonathan Mcevoy - Endura Racing
18 Andréi Solomennikov - Itera - Katusha 2.31
19 Christoph Pfingsten - Cyclingteam De Rijke
20 Freddy Bichot - Veranda Rideau - Super U 2.32
21 Cyril Patoux - V.C. Rouen 76
22 Wesley Kreder - Rabobank Continental Team 2.33
23 Dion Beukeboom - Cyclingteam De Rijke
24 Bart Van Haaren - Koga Cycling Team
25 Huub Duyn - Cyclingteam De Rijke
26 Reidar Borgensen - Joker Merida 2.34
27 Eric Berthou - Bretagne - Schuller
28 Simon Yates - Great Britain National Team
29 Eugénio Alafaci - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 2.35
30 Laurent Pichon - Bretagne - Schuller
31 Scott Thwaites - Endura Racing
32 Fabio Silvestre - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 2.36
33 Vladislav Gorbunov - Continental Team Astana
34 Bob Jungels - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 2.37
35 Johan Mombaerts - Auber 93 2.38
36 Oscar Riesebeek - Rabobank Continental Team 2.39
37 Mathieu Desniou - C.C. Nogent / Oise 2.41
38 Michael Cuming - Rapha Condor - Sharp 2.42
39 Jesper Hansen - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ 2.43
40 Benoît Sinner - C.S.A. des Loges 2.46
41 Lars Vierbergen - Koga Cycling Team
42 Gerry Druyts - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step
43 Stig Broeckx - Lotto - Belisol 2.48
44 Christopher Jennings - Rapha Condor - Sharp 2.49
45 Alexandr Prishpetnyy - Itera - Katusha 2.51
46 Nick Van Der Lijke - Rabobank Continental Team 3.23
47 Jimmy Turgis - C.C. Nogent / Oise 3.30
48 Tony Hurel - Team Europcar 3.48
49 Franck Bouyer - Team Europcar 3.58
50 Emmanuel Van Ruitenbeek - Koga Cycling Team 3.59
51 Alistair Slater - Great Britain National Team
52 Jenning Huizenga - Rabobank Continental Team
53 Stijn Steels - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step 4.04
54 Alo Jakin - V.C. Rouen 76 4.09
55 Nazar Jumabekov - Continental Team Astana 4.16
56 Alphonse Vermote - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step 5.15
57 Lawson Craddock - Bontrager Livestrong Team 5.46
58 Kévin Reza - Team Europcar 6.13
59 Steele Van Hoff - Chipotle - First Solar Development Team 7.06
60 Jasper Bovenhuis - Rabobank Continental Team 7.26
61 Vegar Robinson Bugge - Joker Merida 7.38
62 Robin Chaigneau - Koga Cycling Team 7.39
63 Nikita Umerbekov - Continental Team Astana 7.46
64 Jim Van Den Berg - Koga Cycling Team 7.52
65 Alexis Bodiot - C.S.A. des Loges 10.21
66 Jasper De Buyst - Bontrager Livestrong Team 10.23
67 Nicolas Vereecken - Lotto - Belisol 11.03
68 Romain Combeau - C.S.A. des Loges 11.16
69 Sébastien Harbonnier - C.S.A. des Loges 11.25
70 Oliver Hofstetter - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 11.55
71 Dmittriy Kosyakov - Itera - Katusha 12.22
72 Wouter Wippert - Lotto - Belisol 13.02
73 Alexandre Blain - Endura Racing 13.03
74 Philip Lindau - Team Cykelcity.se 13.05
75 Angelo Tulik - Team Europcar 13.06
76 Thomas Moses - Great Britain National Team 13.07
77 Benoit Drujon - Auber 93 13.08
78 Justin Van Hoecke - Wallonie Bruxelles - Credit Agricole 13.09
79 Vegard Breen - Joker Merida 13.16
80 Jonathan Thire - Auber 93
81 Romain Matheou - Veranda Rideau - Super U 13.21
82 Alexandr Shushemoin - Continental Team Astana 14.43
83 Tom Devriendt - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step 14.47
84 Tom Dernies - Wallonie Bruxelles - Credit Agricole 14.49
85 Olivier Chevalier - Wallonie Bruxelles - Credit Agricole 14.51
86 Arnaud Molmy - Veranda Rideau - Super U 15.02
87 Richard Handley - Rapha Condor - Sharp 15.12
88 Jef Van Meirhaeghe - Lotto - Belisol 15.17
89 Igor Boev - Itera - Katusha 15.18
90 Gavin Mannion - Bontrager Livestrong Team 15.21
91 Sjoerd Kouwenhoven - Cyclingteam De Rijke
92 Ryan Eastmann - Bontrager Livestrong Team 15.37
93 Remco Te Brake - Cyclingteam De Rijke 15.57
94 Viacheslav Kuznetsov - Itera - Katusha 16.16
95 Louis Verhelst - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step 16.24
96 Richard Lang - Rapha Condor - Sharp 18.57
97 Owain Doull - Great Britain National Team 19.29
98 Sebastian Lander - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ 21.03
99 Romain Delalot - C.C. Nogent / Oise 21.41
100 Flavien Maurelet - C.C. Nogent / Oise 21.44
101 Fabio Polazzi - Wallonie Bruxelles - Credit Agricole 22.30
102 Ian Wilkinson - Endura Racing 24.06
103 Franck Vermeulen - Veranda Rideau - Super U 24.15
104 Andzs Flaksis - Chipotle - First Solar Development Team 24.37
105 Guillaume Blot - Bretagne - Schuller 24.49
106 Yoeri Havik - Cyclingteam De Rijke 25.05
107 Michael Valgren Andersen - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ 25.50
108 Erwan Brenterch - V.C. Rouen 76 27.22
109 Christer Rake - Joker Merida 27.44
110 Henrik Åbom - Team Cykelcity.se 28.24
111 Giorgio Brambilla - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 28.34
112 Edvin Wilson - Team Cykelcity.se 29.14
113 Boris Dron - Wallonie Bruxelles - Credit Agricole 29.23
114 James Mc Callum - Rapha Condor - Sharp 34.45
115 Flavien Dassonville - Auber 93 35.19
116 Bjorn Thurau - Team Europcar 35.38
117 Jonas Ahlstrand - Team Cykelcity.se 35.44
118 Maxim Pokidov - Itera - Katusha 35.46
119 David Bouteville - V.C. Rouen 76 35.51
120 Daniel Mc Lay - Lotto - Belisol 37.00
121 Johan Landström - Team Cykelcity.se 37.17
122 Kjell Van Driessche - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step 40.46
123 Rob Bush - Chipotle - First Solar Development Team 44.49
124 Kasper Linde Jørgensen - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ 46.51

1 Ruslan Tleubayev - Continental Team Astana 59
2 Jérôme Cousin - Team Europcar 54
3 Yoeri Havik - Cyclingteam De Rijke 49
4 Jasper Bovenhuis - Rabobank Continental Team 40
5 Michael Olsson - Team Cykelcity.se 34
6 Jean-Marc Bideau - Bretagne - Schuller 28
7 Dylan Van Baarle - Rabobank Continental Team 28
8 Eugénio Alafaci - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 28
9 Ian Wilkinson - Endura Racing 27
10 Johan Le Bon - Bretagne - Schuller 27
11 Erick Rowsell - Endura Racing 25
12 Guillaume Malle - Veranda Rideau - Super U 24
13 Alexandr Pliuschin - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 24
14 Wesley Kreder - Rabobank Continental Team 24
15 Johan Landström - Team Cykelcity.se 21
16 Simon Yates - Great Britain National Team 21
17 Vegar Robinson Bugge - Joker Merida 21
18 Jasper Stuyven - Bontrager Livestrong Team 20
19 Andréi Solomennikov - Itera - Katusha 20
20 Thomas Scully - Chipotle - First Solar Development Team 19
21 Igor Boev - Itera - Katusha 19
22 Jonathan Mcevoy - Endura Racing 17
23 Gaël Malacarne - Bretagne - Schuller 16
24 Cyril Patoux - V.C. Rouen 76 15
25 Scott Thwaites - Endura Racing 15
26 Tony Hurel - Team Europcar 15
27 Ryan Eastmann - Bontrager Livestrong Team 15
28 André Steensen - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ 14
29 Philip Lindau - Team Cykelcity.se 14
30 Justin Van Hoecke - Wallonie Bruxelles - Credit Agricole 14
31 Benoit Drujon - Auber 93 13
32 Remco Te Brake - Cyclingteam De Rijke 13
33 Robert Partridge - Endura Racing 12
34 Steele Van Hoff - Chipotle - First Solar Development Team 11
35 Nick Van Der Lijke - Rabobank Continental Team 10
36 Kanstantsin Klimiankou - Continental Team Astana 10
37 Alexandre Blain - Endura Racing 9
38 Mathieu Desniou - C.C. Nogent / Oise 9
39 Lawson Craddock - Bontrager Livestrong Team 9
40 Giorgio Brambilla - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 9
41 Laurent Pichon - Bretagne - Schuller 8
42 Gerry Druyts - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step 8
43 Guillaume Blot - Bretagne - Schuller 7
44 Jimmy Turgis - C.C. Nogent / Oise 6
45 Tom Devriendt - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step 6
46 Romain Delalot - C.C. Nogent / Oise 5
47 Lasse Bøchman - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ 5
48 Wouter Wippert - Lotto - Belisol 5
49 Michael Valgren Andersen - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ 4
50 Benoît Sinner - C.S.A. des Loges 4
51 Freddy Bichot - Veranda Rideau - Super U 3
52 David Bouteville - V.C. Rouen 76 3
53 Richard Handley - Rapha Condor - Sharp 3
54 Emmanuel Van Ruitenbeek - Koga Cycling Team 2
55 Bjorn Thurau - Team Europcar 1
56 Jenning Huizenga - Rabobank Continental Team 1
57 Sébastien Harbonnier - C.S.A. des Loges 1
58 Arnaud Molmy - Veranda Rideau - Super U 1
59 Louis Verhelst - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step 1
60 Franck Vermeulen - Veranda Rideau - Super U 1

1 Ruslan Tleubayev - Continental Team Astana 35
2 Jérôme Cousin - Team Europcar 21
3 Alexandr Pliuschin - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 12
4 Guillaume Malle - Veranda Rideau - Super U 11
5 Gaël Malacarne - Bretagne - Schuller 9
6 Kanstantsin Klimiankou - Continental Team Astana 8
7 Michael Valgren Andersen - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ 8
8 Nick Van Der Lijke - Rabobank Continental Team 5
9 Jimmy Turgis - C.C. Nogent / Oise 5
10 David Bouteville - V.C. Rouen 76 5
11 Jean-Marc Bideau - Bretagne - Schuller 4
12 André Steensen - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ 4
13 Eric Berthou - Bretagne - Schuller 4
14 Bob Jungels - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 4
15 Lars Vierbergen - Koga Cycling Team 4
16 Ryan Eastmann - Bontrager Livestrong Team 3
17 Bjorn Thurau - Team Europcar 3
18 Johan Landström - Team Cykelcity.se 3
19 Michael Olsson - Team Cykelcity.se 2
20 Freddy Bichot - Veranda Rideau - Super U 2
21 Gerry Druyts - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step 2
22 Alexandr Prishpetnyy - Itera - Katusha 2
23 Arnaud Molmy - Veranda Rideau - Super U 2
24 Richard Handley - Rapha Condor - Sharp 2
25 Jef Van Meirhaeghe - Lotto - Belisol 2
26 Johan Le Bon - Bretagne - Schuller 1
27 Robert Partridge - Endura Racing 1
28 Cyril Patoux - V.C. Rouen 76 1
29 Wesley Kreder - Rabobank Continental Team 1
30 Tony Hurel - Team Europcar 1
31 Franck Bouyer - Team Europcar 1
32 Jenning Huizenga - Rabobank Continental Team 1
33 Ian Wilkinson - Endura Racing 1

1 Johan Le Bon - Bretagne - Schuller 16.20.30
2 Dylan Van Baarle - Rabobank Continental Team 0.26
3 Erick Rowsell - Endura Racing 0.42
4 Thomas Scully - Chipotle - First Solar Development Team
5 Jasper Stuyven - Bontrager Livestrong Team 0.44
6 Wesley Kreder - Rabobank Continental Team 0.50
7 Simon Yates - Great Britain National Team 0.51
8 Eugénio Alafaci - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 0.52
9 Scott Thwaites - Endura Racing
10 Fabio Silvestre - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 0.53
11 Vladislav Gorbunov - Continental Team Astana
12 Bob Jungels - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 0.54
13 Oscar Riesebeek - Rabobank Continental Team 0.56
14 Michael Cuming - Rapha Condor - Sharp 0.59
15 Jesper Hansen - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ 1.00
16 Gerry Druyts - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step 1.03
17 Stig Broeckx - Lotto - Belisol 1.05
18 Christopher Jennings - Rapha Condor - Sharp 1.06
19 Nick Van Der Lijke - Rabobank Continental Team 1.40
20 Jimmy Turgis - C.C. Nogent / Oise 1.47
21 Alistair Slater - Great Britain National Team 2.16
22 Alphonse Vermote - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step 3.32
23 Lawson Craddock - Bontrager Livestrong Team 4.03
24 Jasper Bovenhuis - Rabobank Continental Team 5.43
25 Nikita Umerbekov - Continental Team Astana 6.03
26 Jasper De Buyst - Bontrager Livestrong Team 8.40
27 Nicolas Vereecken - Lotto - Belisol 9.20
28 Romain Combeau - C.S.A. des Loges 9.33
29 Oliver Hofstetter - Leopard - Trek Continental Team 10.12
30 Wouter Wippert - Lotto - Belisol 11.19
31 Philip Lindau - Team Cykelcity.se 11.22
32 Angelo Tulik - Team Europcar 11.23
33 Thomas Moses - Great Britain National Team 11.24
34 Vegard Breen - Joker Merida 11.33
35 Tom Devriendt - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step 13.04
36 Tom Dernies - Wallonie Bruxelles - Credit Agricole 13.06
37 Olivier Chevalier - Wallonie Bruxelles - Credit Agricole 13.08
38 Richard Handley - Rapha Condor - Sharp 13.29
39 Jef Van Meirhaeghe - Lotto - Belisol 13.34
40 Gavin Mannion - Bontrager Livestrong Team 13.38
41 Sjoerd Kouwenhoven - Cyclingteam De Rijke
42 Ryan Eastmann - Bontrager Livestrong Team 13.54
43 Louis Verhelst - EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step 14.41
44 Owain Doull - Great Britain National Team 17.46
45 Sebastian Lander - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ 19.20
46 Romain Delalot - C.C. Nogent / Oise 19.58
47 Flavien Maurelet - C.C. Nogent / Oise 20.01
48 Andzs Flaksis - Chipotle - First Solar Development Team 22.54
49 Yoeri Havik - Cyclingteam De Rijke 23.22
50 Michael Valgren Andersen - Glud & Marstrand - LRØ 24.07
51 Flavien Dassonville - Auber 93 33.36
52 Jonas Ahlstrand - Team Cykelcity.se 34.01
53 Daniel Mc Lay - Lotto - Belisol 35.17
54 Rob Bush - Chipotle - First Solar Development Team 43.06

1 Bretagne - Schuller 49.01.35
2 Leopard - Trek C.T. 0.19
3 Endura Racing 0.56
4 C.T. Astana 1.20
5 Veranda Rideau - Super U 1.40
6 Rabobank C.T. 2.00
7 Glud & Marstrand - LRØ 2.13
8 Cyclingteam De Rijke 2.23
9 Team Europcar 2.46
10 Itera - Katusha 3.41
11 Lotto - Belisol 3.54
12 Koga Cycling Team 3.56
13 EFC - Omega Pharma - Quick Step 5.01
14 Rapha Condor - Sharp 6.29
15 Bontrager Livestrong Team 7.15
16 C.S.A. des Loges 11.31
17 Joker Merida 12.43
18 Chipotle - First Solar Dev. Team 12.55
19 Great Britain Nat. Team 14.21
20 V.C. Rouen 76 20.12
21 C.C. Nogent / Oise 22.40
22 Auber 93 23.39
23 Wallonie Bruxelles - C.A. 27.06
24 Team Cykelcity.se 36.07

Stölting Service Group
Nyheder Profil Ryttere Resultater
Tour de Normandie
Nyheder Profil Resultater






Women's Tour(2.WWT) 06/06-09/06

Tour de Suisse(2.UWT) 09/06-16/06

Tour de Korea(2.1) 05/06-09/06

Tour de Suisse(2.UWT) 09/06-16/06

Tour de Suisse Women(2.WWT) 15/06-18/06

La Route d'Occitanie(2.1) 15/06-16/06




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Astana Qazaqstan

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Bahrain Victorious

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Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale

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EF Education - EasyPost

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INEOS Grenadiers

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Intermarché - Wanty

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Lidl - Trek

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Movistar Team

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Soudal - Quick Step

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Team DSM-Firmenich PostNL

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Team Jayco AlUla

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Team Visma | Lease a Bike

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UAE Team Emirates

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